ASUU, FG Sign Resolution On Strike
The federal Governnent and the accademic staff union of universities have reached an agreement to end the over five month old strike by asuu. The lecturer's association has however said that it's member may return to work next week. The supervising minister of education, Mr, Nyesom Wile told journalists at a meetin with the leadership of asuu,president of Nigeria labour congress, Executive secratry of tie Nigerian Universities Commission and five chancelllors of Universit ies that all contending issues between the parties have been resolved. The parties signed a document to seal the agreement which spell great hope that the over five month old strike may be called of within one week,although the president asuu Professor Nasir Faggae declined to say what was contained in the document. Asuu's demand include the upward review of the retirement age for professors from 65 to 70,adequate funding to revitalise the unversity system ;progressive incre...