What You Need To Know About The New Sexually Transmitted Disease: Mycoplasma Genitalium
With 15-24 year olds accounting for half of all new Sexually transmitted Diseases it has become imperative to provide information about the newly discovered sexually transmitted diseases and its implications for the sexually active Nigerian. The new sexually transmitted diseases Mycoplasma Genitalium was a little known until recently when British Scientists uncovered its links to some sexual conditions. M. genitalium is one of the most common microorganisms associated with genital tract infections. The infection has several clinical features consistent with sexual transmission, including higher detection among sexually active individuals compared to sexually naïve adolescents, detection in partners of infected individuals, and predominance in younger individuals with multiple sexual partners and men who have sex with men (particularly those infected with HIV) Several studies that had identified Mycoplasmaas a STI have showed statistically significant increased rates of infection ...