Actor and singer Tyrese Gibson, has called out fellow Fast and Furious castmate, The Rock, for delaying production of Fast and Furious 9. According to him Fast and Furious 9 is being delayed because The Rock is shooting another movie. On Wednesday he confirmed the franchise next movie has been delayed. He wrote: PSA Congratulations to @TheRock and your brother in law aka 7 bucks producing partner @hhgarcia41 for making the fast and the furious franchise about YOU - And like you, DJ even if they call I will not be deleting this post - Gn folks see you in 2020 April #FastFamily right? Nah..... it's about #TeamDewayne #3yrs will it be worth the wait? #NoShaw just Hobbs will this be another #BayWatch ? Guys guys just relax I'm just a passionate film critic Then yesterday October 5th, he continued his rant, he shared the photo of the original cast members of the Fast and Furious members and wr...