Snake Slips Into Bed With Unclad Woman And Bites Her Bosom!

A MUM has described her terror after she was bitten by a snake which had snuggled up on her chest as she slept. Caroline Griffin woke up to find the 4ft reptile beneath her duvet. When she screamed, the brown and cream creature sank its fangs into her bosom – leaving bruising and angry puncture marks. Caroline, 49, feared she might be seriously injured – or even that she might die – because she didn’t know if the snake was poisonous. But she was put at ease when a neighbour from five doors away arrived to claim the reptile – which had escaped SIX MONTHS earlier. Mum-of-four Caroline said: “The snake was lying on top of me when I opened my eyes in the morning.“I was about to get up to get the kids ready to go to school when I threw the duvet back and saw it sitting on my chest.“I thought the kids were playing some sort of trick on me, at first. Then I saw it move and I got the fright of my life.“As soon as I started to scream, it bit me on the bosom. It was quite sore.“I th...