Cossy Orjiakor Insures B**bs For $1.6 M, People To Pay Before Touch/See - "I Did it to Spite Stella Oduah"f

Nollywood actress and self-styled vixén, Cossy Orjiakor struck gold yesterday when an American company agreed to insure her signature bósoms for $1.6 million dollars. The company, Enhanced Silicón Inc. famous for insuring the bosóms of Pamela Anderson and Dolly Parton agreed to the deal just before Cossy Orjiakor’s recent birthday bash, where she displayed her endowments for the world to see. The star will travel to Los Angeles in two weeks to sign on the dotted lines. “I specifically asked for $1.6 million,” Cossy told our reporter, “to show Stella Oduah that you don’t have to misuse public funds to get what you want.” As part of the deal awaiting her signature, there will be limits on how many men and women touch her bósoms each month. Also, the bósoms have all been given names and must now be treated as people in future movie roles. That means that Enhanced Silicon Inc. will determine how much a movie producer will pay each bosóm for an appearance in a movie....